Marking up data for machine learning
We can quickly and qualitatively mark up the data you need to train your neural network.

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Our Benefits
High-quality markup
Our qualified and experienced markers will ensure a high level of markup quality
Individual approach
Our specialists will advise you and help you to mark out your data in the best way for your task
Fast implementation
Thanks to the experience and skills of our team we complete all tasks in the shortest possible time
We use only secure protocols in the process of creating datasets and storing the data in secure repositories. We can delete your data at the first request
We follow standards
We fit into your workflow, taking into account the cross-industry standard data research process if necessary. CRISP-DM, for example
What kind of data do we work with?
We work with all kinds of markup
The technologies we work with
  • Object detection –
    this method is used for the automatic markup, the objects in the image are marked with rectangles.
  • Segmentation –
    this technology operates in such a way that each object in the image is assigned a color. 
  • Landmarks –
    the image is marked by finding key points, lines and polygons.
  • Classification –
    the method used to classify images.
What kind of AI are we preparing data for?
Data Science
Data markup for visualization, statistics and analytics
Machine Vision
Accurate partitioning of acquired data to improve computer vision algorithms
Natural Language Processing
Partitioning data to improve NLP models
Machine Hearing
Partitioning audio files to improve speech recognition models
Examples of our markup
Stages of our work
Task assessment
You tell us about your project, then we determine the data volume, perform test markup and, if necessary, prepare materials necessary for the task
Estimating time and cost
On the basis of the results, we estimate the terms and cost of the project
Work start
All stages of work will be monitored by our supervisor. This is necessary to ensure that there are no mistakes in the markup
Sending of data
After the final check, you receive the finished dataset in perfect quality
Preparing other training sets
If necessary, we will prepare other training datasets for your additional needs
About us
We are a team of people in love with machine learning and artificial intelligence. We are already helping to make the world a better place by working on robots that will help Russia and other countries develop in the field of AI technologies. 

Data partitioning is one of the key steps in training robots, and we do it 100%. We have our own data markup service and professional staff at our disposal. We guarantee fast and high-quality data set preparation for any task. 
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